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Title Author(s) Year Publication Citation
Harmonic expectancy violations: Testing the effects of familiarity, lead-in time, and ecological validity Claire Arthur 2024 Psychology of Music
APA .bib Chicago MLA
Sanidha: A Studio Quality Multi-Modal Dataset for Carnatic Music Venkatakrishnan Vaidyanathapuram Krishnan, Noel Alben, Anish Nair and Nathaniel Condit-Schultz 2024 Proceedings of the International Society for Music Information Retrieval
APA .bib Chicago MLA
Looking for Tactus in All the Wrong Places: Statistical Inference of Metric Alignment in Rap Flow Nathaniel Condit-Schultz 2024 Proceedings of the International Society for Music Information Retrieval
APA .bib Chicago MLA
Have we sold our souls to the drum machine? A historical analysis of tempo stability in Western music recordings Nathaniel Condit-Schultz and Beach Clark 2024 Musicæ Scientiæ
APA .bib Chicago MLA
Are the Beatles Really Different?: Commentary on North and Krause (2023) Nathaniel Condit-Schultz 2023 Empirical Musicology Review
APA .bib Chicago MLA
The Coordinated Corpus of Popular Musics (CoCoPops): A Meta-Dataset of Melodic and Harmonic Transcriptions Claire Arthur and Nathaniel Condit-Schultz 2023 Proceedings of the International Society for Music Information Retrieval
APA .bib Chicago MLA
Pupil Dilation as a Function of Pitch Discrimination Difficulty: A Replication of Kahneman and Beatty, 1967 Noel Alben and Claire Arthur 2023 Attention, Perception \& Psychophysics
APA .bib Chicago MLA
Why do Songs get "Stuck in our Heads"? Towards a Theory for Explaining Earworms Arthur, Claire 2023 Music \& Science
APA .bib Chicago MLA
The role of structural tones in establishing mode in Renaissance counterpoint. Claire Arthur, Julie Cumming and Peter Schubert 2022 The Oxford Handbook of Corpus Studies
APA .bib Chicago MLA
Voice leading in palestrina’s masses: A comparison of interval-succession definitions Laney Light and Claire Arthur 2021 Future Directions of Music Cognition
APA .bib Chicago MLA
What do I dance to this?: A perceptual study of dance genre identification Virgil Breeden and Claire Arthur 2021 International Conference for Music Perception and Cognition (ICMPC)
APA .bib Chicago MLA
Vicentino versus Palestrina: A computational investigation of voice leading across changing vocal densities Claire Arthur 2021 Journal of New Music Research
APA .bib Chicago MLA
A statistical model for melody reduction Tianxue Hu and Claire Arthur 2021 Future Directions of Music Cognition
APA .bib Chicago MLA
An Interdisciplinary Review of Music Performance Analysis Alexander Lerch, Claire Arthur, Ashis Pati and Siddharth Gururani 2020 Transactions of the International Society for Music Information Retrieval
APA .bib Chicago MLA
Deconstructing the nPVI: A Methodological Critique of the Normalized Pairwise Variability Index as Applied to Music Nathaniel Condit-Schultz 2019 Music Perception
APA .bib Chicago MLA
Expanding and Contracting Definitions of Syncopation: Commentary on Temperley 2019 Nathaniel Condit-Schultz 2019 Empirical Musicology Review
APA .bib Chicago MLA
humdrumR: a New Take on an Old Approach to Computational Musicology Nathaniel Condit-Schultz and Claire Arthur 2019 Proceedings of the International Society for Music Information Retrieval
APA .bib Chicago MLA
An Interactive Workflow for Generating Chord Labels for Homorhythmic Music in Symbolic Formats Yaolong Ju, Samuel Howes, Cory McKay, Nathaniel Condit-Schultz, Jorge Calvo-Zaragoza and Ichiro Fujinaga 2019 Proceedings of the International Society for Music Information Retrieval
APA .bib Chicago MLA
Music Performance Analysis: A Survey Alexander Lerch, Claire Arthur, Ashis Pati and Siddharth Gururani 2019 Proceedings of the International Society for Music Information Retrieval
APA .bib Chicago MLA
Alternative Measures: A Musicologist Workbench for Popular Music Beach Clark and Claire Arthur 2019 Proceedings of the 16th Sound and Music Computing Conference
APA .bib Chicago MLA
Key-Finding Based on a Hidden Markov Model and Key Profiles Néstor Nápoles López, Claire Arthur and Ichiro Fujinaga 2019 Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Digital Libraries for Musicology
APA .bib Chicago MLA
A Flexible Approach to Automated Harmonic Analysis: Multiple Annotations of Chorales by Bach and Prætorius Nathaniel Condit-Schultz, Yaolong Ju and Ichiro Fujinaga 2018 Proceedings of the International Society for Music Information Retrieval
APA .bib Chicago MLA
A Perceptual Study of Scale-degree Qualia in Context Claire Arthur 2018 Music Perception
APA .bib Chicago MLA
Word Intelligibility in Multi-voice Singing: the Influence of Chorus Size Nathaniel Condit-Schultz and David Huron 2017 the Journal of Voice
APA .bib Chicago MLA
Supplementing Melody, Lyrics, and Acoustic Information to the McGill Billboard Database Hubert Léveillé Gauvin, Nathaniel Condit-Schultz and Claire Arthur 2017 Annual Conference of the International Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations
APA .bib Chicago MLA
Non-chord Tone Identification Using Deep Neural Networks Yaolong Ju, Nathaniel Condit-Schultz and Ichiro Fujinaga 2017 Proceedings of the Workshop on Digital Libraries for Musicology
APA .bib Chicago MLA
Taking Harmony Into Account: The Effect of Harmony on Melodic Probability Claire Arthur 2017 Music Perception
APA .bib Chicago MLA
MCFlow: A Digital Corpus of Rap Transcriptions Nathaniel Condit-Schultz 2016 Empirical Musicology Review
APA .bib Chicago MLA
Commentary on Ohriner (2016) Nathaniel Condit-Schultz 2016 Empirical Musicology Review
APA .bib Chicago MLA
Catching the Lyrics: Intelligibility in Twelve Song Genres Nathaniel Condit-Schultz and David Huron 2015 Music Perception
APA .bib Chicago MLA
Theme And Variation Encodings with Roman Numerals (TAVERN): A New Data Set for Symbolic Music Analysis. Johanna Devaney, Claire Arthur, Nathaniel Condit-Schultz and Kirsten Nisula 2015 Proceedings of the International Society for Music Information Retrieval
APA .bib Chicago MLA
Is Melody "Dead?": A Large-scale Analysis of Pop Music Melodies from 1960 through 2019 Clark, Beach and Arthur, Claire Empirical Musicology Review
APA .bib Chicago MLA