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John McNamara

Photo of John McNamara
Education BS Physics and Geosciences, Yale University (2017)
MSMT, Georgia Institute of Technology (2022)
CCM Lab Role PhD student
Pronouns he/him

John is a musician, engineer, developer, and composer originally from Farmington, MO. As a life-long lover of music, science, and video games, John’s research explores how a game’s music helps get people “in-the-zone” as they play their favorite games. Since coming to Georgia Tech, John has also helped work on the Salient Structures research project, the Star Wars Thematic Corpus, and most-recently, the EarWorm corpus. He has also served as a TA for various Music Tech courses, including Music Tech History and Repetoire, Music Perception and Cognition, and Computational Musicology. In his spare time, John enjoys playing French horn with the Atlanta Freedom band, playing video games, exploring Atlanta, weightlifting, and spending time with his boyfriend and his boyfriend’s dogs.